Web Development

Three ways to build a blog in 2023 (The definitive guide)

This is the definitive guide on how you should build your blog site based on your needs.

Joseph Bickford

February 14, 2023

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Whether you are a writer or just passionate in your field; blogging can be a great way to share your ideas with the world. It’s easy to start a blog but lets get into how you can make a blog and later how you can make money from your blog .

Three Ways to build your blog

  1. Manually with a javascript framework
  2. Use a CMS like WordPress
  3. Use a prebuild platform like Medium

1. Building From Scratch

There are a few options when it comes to building your blog from scratch. I am going to list 3 ways from least-to-most difficult.

The first option is to use a static site generator called Hugo (this is what is used for this particular site). Hugo is excelent in terms of easy content managment and customizability, but will take some learning from even skilled Javascript developers. Great features of Hugo include:

  1. Extremely fast build times.
  2. A robust theming system.
  3. Configurable taxonomies for catagorizing content

The second option would be to use something like ReactJS, VueJS, Vite, or Svelte to create your website. This is probably going to be the least SEO friendly out of the box but can be easily remidied with tools like NextJS, Nuxt, and SvelteKit. These tools allow for things like SSR (Server-Side-Rendering) which boosts readability for search engines thus improving SEO.

Finally you can create your own CMS tool similar to Medium. When you want to write a new blog there is no editing html files or markdown files. Simply click a button on your site and write away. This is probably the most complex of all of them and I wouldn’t recommend doing this if your only goal is to create a personal blog. However, if you would like to build a platform for like minded people to share thoughts and ideas this is almost certainly something to consider.

2. Using a CMS like WordPress

This is the easiest option for those who want a completely custom look, feel, and domain name. WordPress allows easy SEO, publishing tools, build-in media management, etc. All things that will make your life easier and get your blog up and running quicker.

When it comes to WordPress there is no shortage of functionality that can be added through plug-ins. If there is a feature you want, chances are someone has already implemented it.

An easy way to get started with wordpress is through Hostinger . Hostinger offers the full package:

  • Hosting
  • Domain Setup
  • Content Management
  • Custom Emails
  • Affordable Pricing

So if you are tired of reading this and eager to get started; head over to Hostinger and click “Claim Deal” they are currently offering 75% off on Hosting and 3 Months free.

3. Using a prebuild blogging platform

This is going to be by far the easiest way to get eyes on your posts. There isn’t a whole lot to this other than posting consistent and valuable content. This upside is also the downside. First of all someone else is in full control of your content. You also aren’t going to be seeing the type of ads payouts you would be seeing from owning your own site. Of course with owning your own site though you need to buy a domain, build the site, manage the site, consider branding, and in later stages hire people to run operations. The thought of just having a pre-made knowledge marketplace can be very attractive for some, if that is you then a site like Medium is perfect.


It is clear to see that there are quite a few ways to create a blog but which one works best for you is going to come down to your mission. If you are looking to build a brand around your blog you might want to turn to one of the more custom ways. If you are looking to build a platform maybe you want to get into the metal of the machine and build from the ground up. If you just want to share some ideas with people and not much else then a pre-build platform is for you. Whatever you choose I wish you luck on your blogging journey.

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